
I truly hope that you will enjoy reading my blog. I hope to keep you all entertained. It may take a little while, but soon, you will know everything about me, past, present and future. Feel free to ask anything. Please be respectful, though. Thank you all very much for reading!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our trip, later that day.

Well, the trip wasn't all that great.  But at least we got to spend the day together as a family!!  As far as that goes, today was totally awesome!  I do have to say, the falls were peaceful.  I wouldn't mind spending the day there with just the hubby or when the kids are older, but 1 and 3 year olds were a little much.  LOL!  Neither got their naps in so that made them fussy.  Then, my daughter was insisting on swimming with the alligators!  I mean, I could NOT convince her that that was a BAD idea!  That dang Dora the Explorer!  She supposedly said that the gators just smile at you.  She shouldn't false educate!!  LOL!  Oh well.  So we ahve decided to spend the night at a motel so my posts will have to continue tomorrow cuz texting it is just a bit much!  Have a great night!

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